How does acupuncture work? A Western scientific perspective:
People are often interested to know how acupuncture works in Western scientific terms. The current belief is that acupuncture works by having a direct effect on the nervous system. The acupuncture needles stimulate tiny nerves beneath the surface of the skin, which send messages to the brain, causing the release of certain chemicals and hormones. This can be, for example, the release of pain killing endorphins in the treatment of physical problems, or the activation of immune system cells in particular areas of the body to combat disease processes. These chemical changes can also be seen to have a regulatory effect on the way organs in the body are functioning. Furthermore, it is thought that acupuncture can alter the release of neurohormones and neurotransmitters, thus enabling treatment to bring about changes in involuntary body functions (for example, blood pressure, body temperature and heart rate) by influencing the central nervous system.